4.MFPF(Meaning, Form, Pronunciation, Function(register/appropriacy)
- 生徒様に穴埋めしてもらった文章の目的(Function)→提案すること。
- 上司に対してと、仲の良い同僚に対しての言い方の違い(Register/Appropiacy)
そこで上司との会話には、Have you thought about arranging for a taxi to pick up the clients?
同僚との会話にはWhy don't you make an appointment with A company? を組み込みます。
T - Do you remember the line the employee said to his boss when suggesting to arrange for a taxi to pick up the clients?
S - I'm not sure...
T - Listen to the CD one more time.
S - I got it! Have you...?
T - That's right! When talking to your boss, Is politeness important?
S - Yes, absolutely.
T - Do you remember the line the employee said to his colleague to suggest to make an appointment?
S - Maybe... Why don't...something?
T - Yes! Did it sound friendly?
S - Yes, I thought they were friends.
T - Brilliant! Have you thought about arranging for a taxi to pick up the clients? and Why don't you make an appointment with A company? Which do you think is more formal?
S - Have you thought about arranging for a taxi to pick up the clients?
T - What made you think so?
S - I had an impression that "Why don't you" was too casual to ask your boss for help.
T - Great.
- 生徒様をレッスンの中心に据えること。
- Elicitation(生徒様から引き出すこと)をすること。